Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000162_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sun Nov 16 06:05:24 1997.msg
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Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 02:29:49 -0800
From: "John F. Rodgers" <jfr@psln.com>
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To: amos-list@access.digex.net
Subject: Breaking the font barrier
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Hello Everyone,
Once again I turn to the amazing AMOS list for help...
I am having a bit of a problem with the Set Font command (Using AMOS Pro
2.00). It doesn't seem to work after 2,541 loops. When Set Font number
2,542 is attempted, I get a visit from the Guru. Sometimes the number
of successful Set Fonts is less, but never more.
I reduced the number of different fonts actually set until I finally
just set the same font over and over (font 1), and still the thing
crashes on attempt number 2,542.
I have tried the Trap Reserve As Data 10,1000000000 trick to flush the
fonts out of memory, but this has no effect, whether I do it every 100
Set Fonts or after *every* Set Font. The Guru still visits, and he is
never late...
I have tried adding a Get Disc Fonts after every 1024 Set Font commands,
but this also is useless. 2,400 or 2,500 Set Fonts is as far as it will
go before crashing. I have run out of ideas.
Is this a problem with AMOS - stack, buffers, pointers, garbage
collection routines - or is it an Amiga Dos problem? I used to have
AmigaE installed, but I don't right now, otherwise I would try it with E
to see if it is just an AMOS problem.
And for the curious among you, I'm not just doing weird things with
AMOS! I'm working on a titling program which will have to run
unattended 7 days a week, or at least for 24 hours between Gurus and
automatic rebooting. 2,500 Set Font commands just are not enough!
Eventually, I'll do it in C or E, but for now, AMOS will be quite
sufficient (or at least *should* be sufficient).
Ideas, anyone?
John F. Rodgers